Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Mental Jukebox-- Thanksgiving edition

If you celebrated this holiday, I really hope you had a good one. Mine was strictly of the awesome. My folks came down from Kentucky to eat with us. We hung out, watched three movies, drank copious amounts of alcohol and ate a lot of food. Good times, good times... the likes of which we haven't had for quite a while.

I cooked everything and my list is really short, but for a holiday, the fact that I even have a list at all is sort of impressive, don't you think?

Legend of a Mind-- Moody Blues
27 Jennifers-- Mike Doughty
In The Valley of Dying Stars-- Superdrag
These Things-- She Wants Revenge

I don't understand why The Beatles and the Rolling Stones get all the glory while bands like The Who and The Moody Blues go underappreciated and practically unnoticed. Here's a classic track from the Moodies, complete with ruffly shirt fronts.

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