Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thursday-- 11.15.7

There's a wide spectrum of music here. Personally, I fear madness. Possibly brought on by syphilis. Spirochettes. They eat your brain, you know.

If there is a song on this list you've never heard, don't leave it at that! Find it and listen to it. That's what music is there for. Broaden your horizons and have a little fun.

Generator-- Foo Fighters
The Down Boys-- Warrant
It's Not For Me To Say-- Johnny Mathis
Allentown-- Billy Joel
Makin' It-- David Naughton
The Finer Things-- Steve Winwood
Less Talk, More Rokk-- Freezepop
I Hate My Frickin' ISP-- Todd Rundgren
Buenos Aires-- Golden Palominos
Level 4 of the video game Parappa the Rapper. The level where Parappa has to make the seafood cake and he's watching the celebrity chef on TV. The celebrity chef who is a chicken. Remember? "Crack, crack, the egg into the bowl/Cheep, cheep, cheep's the name of my soul." Okay. Never mind.
Cable Car (Over My Head)-- The Fray (Damn you, Grey's Anatomy, for aligning yourself with this song so that I think I hear it in every single episode!)
I Got Id-- Pearl Jam
Carol of the Bells-- Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Come and Get Your Love-- Redbone

This guy said, "I'm take a great song and make a video for it, using nothing but the most random-ass pictures I can find. Most of them from National Geographic. They will have nothing to do with love, except maybe for the part where the song mentions love, and you can see the guy in the chair with two dogs. That might work."

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